ARS新宿カイロプラクティックセンター 高田馬場店Top» ブログ > Text neck
How many hours do you use your smartphone?
1 hour? 2 hours? Or almost all day?
Smartphone is really convenient tool but it will give stress on your body.
If you have these symptoms such as pain at neck and/or shoulder, headache and dizziness, your spine should be checked.
You may be having " text neck."
What should we do to decrease these stress on body?
1. Decrease the time of usage.
2. Practice good posture.
3. Hold a smartphone at eye level.
4. Stretch neck and shoulders.
5. GET ADJUSTED by Chiropractor.
You know your body's condition.
Your body need the release the stress.
Protect your body by yourself.
日時:2018年10月31日 12:47 | パーマリンク
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